Views on all from computers in music to old ways of songwriting



If we pause for moment, think back, then the way computers and the internet has changed our ways is nothing short of astonishing.
What is in this studio computers would amount to equipment worth millions only 25 years ago. Is it easy, absolutely not, the computer doesn’t make your music and the learning curve is steep, there is just so much to learn, However this allows me to go from very first idea to a song to a full release in not a matter of weeks, even days, more half days – and that all by myself. Is this good for all music, obviously not, but it works wonders for me and offers me real opportunity to be creative and spontaneous… all at fast pace… all very important ingrediens of DESKO.


I have often wondered when it comes to writing songs ‘ how i do what i do’ how i write at very fast pace without thinking much. When lockdown came i immediately began writing this book that I always had wanted to write… how on earth I do write the songs that I do… because honestly… I had no idea… other than it was pure gut feeling. After 6 weeks… and wow that was hard believe me… I had a 282 pages technique book in 38 chapters written and crucially, i had found my self out, so to speak. All is as its very essence down to the 1 hour session i do, a short intensive writing session, where i come up with the basic ideas for a song, well make it two.


Disco is very much the soundtrack to my young teenage years. It was that music I had on repeat as soon as I came from school. Abba, Boney M, Bee Gees, Funky Town, Born to be Alive… Having grown 3 feet within a year i was at best very skinny and was last on the list when i came to hitting the dance floor with the girls at school. But then, again when you had How Deep is your Love with Bee Gees coming out of the soundsystem, who could care.

and now with DESKO…

‘My very own take on the soundtrack to this my (very) young youth, the last .70’s Disco music – introducing my type of Disco Songs of tomorrow to fans of all ages.


I see it as me written Disco styled songs as if I had been able to write them as teen which I obviously could not do. But produce them for today, as music sounds today. I had to lay down some rules others tan my usual 1 hour for laying down the ideas, 4 hours to produce to master. I could not be allowed to listen to any of these now 50 od year old songs, I only myself to Google the bpm’s the tempos of some of my favourites. I wanted them to sit well with originals, but nothing more than that. I also decided to release a song every second Friday, how could it be any different? And when I had 10 then I would make them into an album, Volume 1, Volume 2 and so on. I looked into 2 volumes a year. And here we are, 2 short of completing Volume 2.


No neither DESKO Boy Saabye or bySaabye is a BAND, I added that little extra R in there that makes a world of difference. I see it as a candy store, where I put all my sweets in, songs, artwork, books, LIVE shows and tons of other creative ideas. Des Bonbons in all sizes, colours and taste and the chance is that if you like some you could end up liking more.


The DESKO LIVE shows comes in various formats, born out of two, the long version is a full night of DESKO, DJ’s playing all the great Disco songs with 2 DESKO LIVE shows with songs from my catalogue, first set Volume 1 second set Volume 2. Second version is more a concert setting, Volume 1 and 2 played together in one long set or in multiple sets with a break. usually it’s me on stage with full equipment, som songs played piano vocal with the majority with full orchestrations to a involved dance floor.


99% of my songs, including the DESKO catalogue is written in Crocks. In my native language, DE-SKO mean them shoes, so it was pretty straightforward to take that decision. I know very well, that Crocks are on the verve of going very big, they are nothing be pure genius, however my crowd seems still to have a little problem with them, however that shouldn’t take too long. (laugh)


Why am I doing all this on my own? well apart form the wonderful feeling of total independence, at least to begin with, then owning what you are creating is a wonderful thing. And, as the same time as owning you own catalogue of songs AND recordings, in my case it was also about starting to look into my own legacy… say… what the hell have i been spending my working life doing? (laugh)


For many musicians, piano players, guitarists, lyrics dos not often come first, and I am happy to admit that was also the case with me for years. However, things have changed, an today, maybe what i enjoy the most, these few hours I get to put lyrics together. Naturally, my type of Music… All sorts of Pop… dream pop, art pop, hyper pop, disco pop doesn’t really go into pure poetry, but I enjoy very much getting lines down that can stand for themselves as well as being memorable in there won right.


The lockdown, from the very one, very much made me want to create my brand, my catalogue of songs. I did release, one a week, every Monday… a new song and video. I called it ArtPop Galore, all out of boredom really. I recorded home to much annoyance for the neighbours i guess, I sing LOUD. In the end i was fired to build my self a vocal box, that was easy and hey, it has worked. I do miss my extra madras and my blanket, pillow and ironing board. But neighbours stopped complaining, (laugh)

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