An epic fantasy world for modern styled global pop music.

Rewind back to March 2020, uncertain times of great luring tragedy, the world as we knew it was set for a drama of proportions, a near global lockdown. An unknown virus had arrived and set the stage for sudden fear across the planet.

Zoom in, Saabye, an artful soul, songwriter/producer/artist since always, finds himself bewildered, stupefied, baffled even, was the world going for a total meltdown? …And what would now happen to the biggest dream of his? A dream so dependent on people interacting, socialising, enjoying moments together. It seemed that the world we all knew no longer had anything to offer for a foreseeable future. The Saabye muso through and through, who sees music purely as a labour of love, paused, and had a word or two with himself, reflection: was all as good as it gets? The answer came fast: No, absolutely not. Far from it! In fact, very much the ‘contraire’! 

A global music industry so focused on money, fast fame, little or no pay to songwriters and creators, worthless contracts, ambitionless industry people, clueless media and gate keepers, friends not believing, mostly negativity …And what for? …really!? It was clear that it was time to get down for some serious business, a second chance reboot of all he’d known up till now. Thus, he put all on the (dance)floor: his ways of thinking, creative ideas, real-life experiences, music biz knowledge, both right & wrongs, and dreamt up a new world for his music. A place for incredible art, amazing people, mind blowing creativity. A Cosmopolis build on his own modern brand of music: PopPhonia. Introducing the of world904 and just like that buff the BIG BANG! the world904 raises from the ashes, and the once fabulous world of modern music has been reincarnated. A world bringing back what music really is to most people, with a fiercely independent record label, a music and all arts related brand with employees that care exclusively about making terrific music. A world where it’s possible to ignore advice from the ignorant, the nah sayers and the haters.

In world904 there’s a supercity with suburbs, the capital PopPhonia a pure Cosmopolis ein stadt made for Abend-Muzik. Here you find the record label bySaabye Recordings, a Bank, a Cinema complex, a Boutique, a Library, a Music Venue and a Piano Bar. 

  • The record label bySaabye Recordings employs 8: the Songwriter, the Producer, the Creative Director, Saabye, Stian, the A&R, the Visual Artist and the Data Analyzer
  • The Bank secures the song vault of the full bySaabye song catalogue. 
  • The Cinema complex is the place to go to for sync, and for film/TV and advertisement. 
  • The Boutique is where number-one-hit hustlers go to find pop miscellaneous for global talent. 
  • The Library is where there is literature on songwriting. 
  • The Music Venue is for larger scale live entertainment, a place to go for glorious blast of air punching synth-pop.
  • The Piano Bar is for intimate performances, a full commitment to the lounge aesthetic. 

Nearby cities include #DESKOtown and StianVille. #DESKOtown is home to the reboot of the soundtrack of Saabye’s youth, the Disco – and counts the ever growing #DESKO-volumes as citizens, like Introduce,Vol2, DarkDisk, MedVibe and IbizaBang. 

On the other hand in StianVille the most prominent, and only, resident is Stian, livin’ it large as a notorious ‘never grow old’ poster boy, with a let me be Romeo to your Juliet attitude. ‘Hey, my name is stupid’ – Stian is Saabye’s alter-ego when shit hits the fan. 

In world904 there is no notion of time and absolutely no notion of ageing. There is an acknowledgement of past events such as Live-Aid, the 80’s, the new romantics and Disco, events that helped shape the business of the music past and therefor the music of today, now, and in the world904future.

Let the story unfold…