is a true one-stop boutique for new original 100% cleared and instantly downloadable 2024 styled Songs for international Film/TV and Advertising.

Classic Songwriting - Memorable Melodies - 2024 Sound - Art Pop, Disco, Mediterranean Vibes, Dance/

Instant accessible Song Catalogue of 100 new original Tracks - 100% ownership of all Copyrights and Master Recording rights...

so instant clearance. On-demand new material within 48 hours.


In modern-day music , life as a Songwriter, Producer and Artist very much only really come full circle when working with moving images in ways- Sync, and for someone who got into songwriting out of pure love for creating new material,m inspirred of the classics through the history of modern music... new Melodies, new Arrangements, new Lyrics, Saabye as a music professional since always, learned early to love the fantastic world of moving images ‘Synced’ to music.


‘When I a couple of years ago I founded bySaabye, a music Brand, a 360 degrees universe of all that i do in music,

Sync was going to be in the heart of it also’, not big music scores, not background soundscapes but classic songwriting, 80’s 90’s produced for 2024.


bySaabye is at heart ‘Pop Music’ for both post teenagers to grown ups, for fans of largely European/British popular Music, think echos of Bowie updated for 2024. All new original new written Songs, releasing Singles at a fast pace, fiercely independent and... always playful as a kitten.

Add on-demand new Music requests, following a Pitch, that takes usually no more than 48 hours. The instant in-house catalogue counts about 100 ready songs. Naturally all relevant copyrights/ master rights belongs to us, so clearance is instant.

instant downloadable Audio:

"…the return of singles and arrival of digital platforms…
…makes it vital to have a hit single…

…that the existing fanbase and new fans alike love…

…often its not easy to follow up on a an old hit…

and that’s what we love doing

giving it a real go

…send us a reference track and give 48 hours…

who knows? …it could be the beginning of something great…"

Pop Genres covered
Synth Pop Dance Pop Dream Pop Alt Pop Indie Pop Brit Pop Power Pop

What we do

2024 styled modern 3 minute pop-songs, songwriting with verses, catchy choruses and hooks driven arrangements. 

Radio/Playlisting friendly‘ single’ type songwriting

‘Comeback song’ concept, follow up single type songs, that could ease an evt. return for established artists in need of a follow up song to a prior hit. 

Super fast turn-around, usually a couple of days. 

Working with pitches, could be a single one song or a collection of songs.

100% one-stop songwriting... from pitch to full song.

Response time and turnaround is quick... after brief... first full version within a few days.

Also specialized in adding verses, choruses or other parts to songs that eventually have something ‘missing’

all songs are delivered as standard Logic projects, full stem set of files (with or without effectes included), Guide Mix, PA Mix and MIDI file. 

Q3 2024 Highlights

About PopCo by Saabye

PopCo bySaabye is created to provide new original Songs to established global talent and industry backed new talent on demand. It could also be what we call ComeBack Songs, Songs for artists who have had big hits in the past and are looking for a follow up Radio Single. This is something that we specialises in. We provide a guide mix, individual stem files, Logic X projects including guide vocals and naturally chords/lyric sheets.

My thing is... songwriting.

Songs that are ear popping, grab attention, brain candy. Proper songwriting, verses that grab your attention, bridges that leads you further, choruses that takes you fully in What I also realised early on was that my thing was... solitary songwriting, something only maybe...say... 1 in 100 people would do in these days of massive co-writes and co-labs. I’ve been doing so many peoples musical homework so to speak, since forever, and with my own pubCo I decided that time is now to give it a real go... be my very own 360 degrees songwriter, producer, artist, label manager, A&R, visual artist and the rest.

I’ve been doing it all since forever, and as a songwriter you learn fast, better write good songs or be found out as no good. However, one thing that I absolutely adore doing is writing what I call comeback songs, new original songs that could do the business and excite fans of established artists. Most great and successful pop-stars have had a truly great hit song in their career, that song that made them go big on radio, playlists, tv, live tours and so on.

Because of that success they represent a great value both for themselves as artists, the people around them, their fans and their record label. tey ... sometimes its difficult to have a follow up single that is as big as the first one, missing that magic thing, the catchiness.

Record labels are reluctant to spend much time, effort and money on new if the song is only half good, but acknowledges that the artist already has a name.

With PopCo I specialises in that, I listen a bit to the hit and give a real go at what could be a great follow up for the artist... and... the best is that I so enjoy doing it, that all you have to do is just ask...

I am the purest fan of hit songs from all decades and have a real knack getting it right. We can supply a simple version, a more worked out version or a greater production, in stems, logic X, midi files all dependent on if the artist got a trusted team or not, whatever works, what matters most is the song.

I'm also author of 282 page (English) book, the Art of Songwriting in the Streaming Age, where I tell about how I go about writing Songs in what i call 'One Hour Sessions' where I either alone or with an artist sits down and within a rough 60 minutes focused effort composes ideas for what is to become a Song, often two actually, kind of an A/B side, though they tend to be able to end both ways round. Obviously then there is additional work to fine tune, getting lyrics right, some arrangements and initial production that I also can handle (or somebody could be drafted in), before going for master, but the technique has actually proofed to be working very well."


about the One Hour Session


“It was the idea of promoting good songs on much simplified manners using the internet initially and a hub website, that started it all, instead of old ways of pressing records and having several months of lead times for every release.

With the internet today you reach fans within minutes, and if your sound and songs are good enough and you know how to get the word out, there is not much stopping you. the internet has also made the whole process very dynamic. if something doesn’t work out, you’d simply change it again. if a release does not get some good reception, it simply goes down again. the artists can make a home video and it’s online same afternoon. with artwork the story is the same, it’s much faster to create artwork for online use, than for print”

About Marketing

From turning ultra creative ideas into compelling marketing campaigns, how to succeed in the ever more competitive world of social media – beathouse copenhagen has turned into a highly interesting hub of creatives based in northern europe, having learned the absolute key skills of how to go all the way in the world of cyberspace music making and marketing.

Sure, everyone knows a thing or two about how to market on the internet, but it takes real vision and experience to accomplish the serious challenges that exists to break an act in cyberspace version 2019. With a panel of experts, driven by serial music entrepreneur Ian Nilsen, BeatHouse Copenhagen has over the last 5 years time after time shown that by simply having different views on how to archive the impossible so very often end by being just the possible. “We have naturally learned all the techniques the hard way, by trying ourselves, on our very own sometime very challenging campaigns. We explore ways that are not often described anywhere, simply because all the ‘how to do’ literature out there make the ideas described already outdated as soon as it’s published. In the end, whatever our acts are hugely talented debutants or already big players in the world of music we helps with a greater confidence and a very clear understanding of the secrets to the best of creative online PR, management and production.”

"I'm a professional Songwriter from Scandinavia, but have spend most of my working life between Scandinavia and London within the Music Industry. I have started up a SongWriting for Industry Professionals House/Agency so to speak where I write top 50 style hopefull Singles, either as sole writer or together with established artists that either looks for a possible breakthrough type of Song, next Single or what I call a Comeback Hit, a follow up Single to a previous Hit from the past. I realised that it's something that I for some reason is good at, spotting what an artist was up to at a particulary time. Often much investment has been put into a comeback artist, and both the artist and label is looking for second (or be third, fourth... ) follow up Single. I hold in April 2021 around 100, attempts to be, 2024 style Singles in my Song bank.

Songs that I have left un-published up to now, all composed during the last couple of years. The style is very 2020 always, however I do retro as well, and are all my take at reflecting whats happing out there at the moment, based on classic virtues of Songwriting.

I'm also author of 282 page (English) book, the Art of Songwriting in the Streaming Age, where I tell about how I go about writing Songs in what i call 'One Hour Sessions' where I either alone or with an artist sits down and within a rough 60 minutes focused effort composes ideas for what is to become a Song, often two actually, kind of an A/B side, though they tend to be able to end both ways round. Obviously then there is additional work to fine tune, getting lyrics right, some arrangements and initial production that I also can handle (or somebody could be drafted in), before going for master, but the technique has actually proofed to be working very well."


about the Art of Songwriting - eBook

The Art of Modern SongWriting in the Streaming Age is a complete easy to read Method Book. It seeks to answer many of the obstacles that SongWriters nowadays face in this age where Streaming Services has become king, yet where everyone, with or without a record label, have a realistic shot at releasing Music alongside the most successful Acts of today. However competition for bandwidth is fierce, and though the big established record labels always has the upper hand, that independent Artists can only dream of, you as a SongWriter more than ever before, is in a great position to have a real go at it. That if;

You Write Great Songs! That pleases both Fans and Software as, the Algorithms of Streaming Services like nothing better, than Popular Songs! The more popular, the more the Songs get promoted to the crowds of fans.

about the One Hour Session


Imagine yourself writing a follow-up single to a hit-single from the past, near or distant, or simply a brand new inspired song using a technique that facilitates writing one, more likely two new songs within a focused ‘One Hour Session’.

I have used the 2020 spring lockdown to write exactly a book about how I go about it, a method book about my life mission that is writing songs, many songs - combing chords, chord progressions, top-lines and lyrics, not by analysing, but simply by describing how I go about it daily. I then thought hard about what could be the best way to explain this technique in brief ? Apart from reading various press releases, browsing the dedicated website the range of social media pages or get people to buy the book and read all the 282 pages, I decided that writing a brief introduction for a quicker than quick overview to start with would be good option. This short PDF is the result and a brief introduction for all to what the whole thing is about.

The concept is simple enough... writing a new song, make it two, within a focused inspired 'One Hour Session' either alone or in a co-writing scenario. 60 minutes where you as songwriter, with or without the artist, either sitting together or in these times, remotely, composes 6 verses, 6 choruses and a few bridges that in 99% of the cases ends up as not only one, but funnily enough two songs. One being maybe more an A-side style song and the second often more of a wildcard, yet still could end up as the best of the two. Think it as A and B sides of an old school vinyl single running at 45pm. You then you chooses between the ideas, match them up and record simple demoes, tighten up the chord voicings, the chord progressions, the top-lines and finalize the lyrics while recording a first demo. Naturally, advanced production demoes/masters comes after.

Is this easier said than done? For sure! But I have written tons of songs, the great majority being pop songs of all sorts and always in the region of two a week. But... how did I do it? See, I did not have the faintest idea, I just did. Sure, routine and time made the songs better and better, however there had to be some Technique behind, right?! In the end it took in total 120 hours to write the book - the Art of Modern songwriting in the Streaming Age, a fully illustrated book running over 282 pages with lots of Audio Examples (132) and many illustrations (100)+. As I wrote the technique formed itself, and I found out quickly that the method actually works, maybe crazy by the look of it, but... by wrapping up the book the technique was born.

Lots of writers write in many different styles, personally I have always chosen the UK/US style of writing, and all-though I favours all decades in popular music, then admittely, most of all, I'm into the sound of 'now', 2020, and that fits fine with what both fans and the industry of today always are on the lookout for, contemporary singles, singles that fits in with both radio programming and streaming playlists... how to go about writing potential hits, songs that listeners do not skip, memorable songs that people like to hear on the radio over and over again and that pleases both fans and software so to speak.

Essentially, a songwriting cycle is quite simple and has three areas:


If you as songwriter has great focus and put much attention into all three, chances are that your songs will come out good, be original, valuable and as a bonus... be massively fun to do.

"I read not long ago that most international Hits on top 50, according to MusicWeek, in average is written by over 5 people, more precise 5.35, what naturally is fine, but what happened to co-writing sessions 'a deux'? Where a writer sits with the artist and bounces forth and back with him or her, with the goal of a comeback song... a follow-up single to a hit from the past.

There are always fans, that are waiting for more of the same, yet new, a newly written song with a feel of the previous hit. For some reason I have found that I'm good at it, sitting there together or via some link up with an artist, and getting new material done, and having a good time along the way – and that's the best part of it really, it's so fun having new music surface in short amounts of time."




Technical Information

Arrangement: Logic X standard arrangements

MIDI Files

Stereo Stems (with or without effects)

Gear: Mac OS X - Universal Audio - Audio Technica Mics

Software: Logix X - large range of UAD plugins - AutoTune - SoftSynths (including Sylenth)

Guide Vocals: Saabye


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PopCo - Songwriting bySaabye

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